2023 SuperTrain

SuperTrain  was back on again, after a three year covid hiatus. and the Cantrak N-Scale model railway club was an active participant.

Held at the Genesis Centre in Calgary’s northeast, the show attracted over 11,000 visitors this year.


Here I am telling someone a story about our fire scene corner.

Above photo courtesy of Roger Nelson


Don Martin controlling a train at the fire corner.


Overhead view of the layout seen through the soccerball netting. We were sharing space, back-to-back with the OO-scale British Rail modellers.



Some members taking a break. Seated: (from right to left) Bruce Henwood, Willy Brusse, John Ambrose, and standing: John Heavens. Our Fiddle Yard can be seen behind John Heavens, where we add or remove trains from the layout without interfering with main line operations.



View from the Drive-In movie module (showing ‘The General’ with Buster Keaton from 1927), Alsask Saskatchewan modules, and my new Chisel Lake Mine module.

It took us about five hours to get the layout mostly set up, followed by almost two hours of debuggery, mostly fixing track joiners between individual modules so trains wouldn’t derail going over them.

Takedown was mostly completed in about an hour, but it took another hour to get everything out of the crowded venue exit and into the vehicles in the parking lot.