2023-05-07 Work Party

On Sunday from 10:00 Selwyn Morris, Don Towson, Bruce Henwood, Dave Stefanek, and Don Martin came over to Glenn Hawley’s garage to start working on converting the module track joiners to the Kato expandable system.

We unloaded, from Glenn’s van,  Glenn’s new mine pair, the entry module to the North Loop, and the Fire & Big Rock corners. This left only the North Loop itself in the van, but since all its table joiners are butt joints, we were able to just put those modules up on the shelf and out of the way.

All of the other Cantrak stuff we also unloaded from the van (fence material, legs, buildings, etc), so the van is basically empty now.

By 13:00 we had used up all the track pieces we had on hand (more have been ordered) and the glue was going to need to set overnight.

Dave and Selwyn


Don T, Don M, and Bruce



Front to back: Big Rock corner, Fire Corner, North Loop Entry, Glenn’s Mine 1 & 2