Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

I’ve been a member of the RASC from 1983 onward, and never have I seen the kind of vituperation and vitriol directed by those in charge toward other members of the Society.

There have been disagreements and disputes in the past, but none has ever been driven to extremes by the deliberate actions of the Executive or the Board.

More recently serious fiscal issues have overtaken the Society, driven by many of the same Board members responsible for the unseemly attacks against dedicated long term volunteers.

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1 year ago

As an outsider, I’ve read through yours and this lunatic John Kelly’s website and the only commonality here is that you and this nut case appear to be the bullies and harassers to the people outlined in your sites and the only reason you are worried about the bylaws is because it takes away the level of protection for persons like you. There has been one side of the story posted online for the world to see by all of you tinfoil hat wearing folks. Seems a bit defamatory doesn’t it? Or is there some obscure subsection of an antiquated bylaw you can find to weasel your way out of that? Sheesh

1 year ago
Reply to  ghadmin

Okay wordsmith, is the board “not at all forthright about its proclivities” to its members as it fits your narrative? Ever hear the expression “Can’t see the forest from the trees”. Maybe there is a good reason for the “specious amounts of complaints” against you. I don’t know anything about the society or it’s board but I do know that there are two sides to every story….I’m only seeing one.

1 year ago
Reply to  ghadmin

I am not a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada so the board owes me nothing, I would be willing to bet that matters such as complaints normally involve the persons who are complained against and those who filed the complaint as well as a mediator or someone like that, not an entire membership.

As far as complaints being anonymous, consider this. We can both agree that those who have openly filed complaints have been subject to a smear campaign by your website creating bestie John Kelly and what I can only assume is a barrage of emails and harassment (given John Kelly, after a quick google search, was at one time a convicted criminal for just such a thing), it’s no wonder those who file complaints do so anonymously. It’s the fear of intimidation and retaliation.

Now…..comparing a group of amateur astronomers to the CCP is way out to left field, these are two diametrically different things. If you need I can post a link on how to make a tinfoil hat. Wow……just…, that is certifiable my guy.

You blather on about “cancel culture” in this society, I did a little research and checked out the website, seems to me that this society is on the opposite side of cancel culture and is working hard to create a diverse and inclusive society…..something I feel you (and maybe a small band of merry gentlemen) are opposed to, hence this attack campaign. Had a peek see at your Facebook and I have to say, the proof is in the pudding.

I will no longer entertain this site or commenting on it, it went way off the rails when you compared the society to the Chinese Communist Party. Just like your take on Monkey Pox…..I’m paraphrasing here but “guess those of us who aren’t buttfucking are going to be okay” in reference to Monkey Pox being spread primarily by gay men, bad take man. I can’t BELIEVE people take you seriously.

I think RASC just gained a new member, I’ll join tomorrow!

1 year ago

Well, the Kelly thing, there are too many coincidences for you and him to not be working together, your name is pasted all over his site as a victim, I’ve been reading sites like this and commenting for far too long to have the wool pulled over my eyes.

How do you think my calling these a smear campaign is my admission to the complaints being ill-founded? I said no such thing, you’re the one saying they are raucous and ill-founded. How would talking to someone who filed a complaint against you go? “HUB-BUB-HUB…..That is complete and udder nonsense… much hot air…..I shall carefully consult my thesaurus and provide a gaslighting rebuttal to make it your fault so I’m the victim” Probably something like that.

Political divergence??? My man, the biggest decisions those folks probably need to make is what next quarters budget is going to look like. They aren’t deciding the fate of an entire nation. Settle down….

Here’s my thoughts. You were a self imagined alpha in this society, so full of conceit, the master of some imagined throne. That all fell apart when people started to see who you really were (hence the monkey pox thing, a character support of a sort) and decided that you shouldn’t be in charge. You take it upon yourself to start a campaign against those who seek to usurp this self imagined position of high importance and it backfired. So like a school yard bully who had his fingers slapped you’re standing there with your hurt feelings. I could be wrong, I don’t know the whole story from those who you feel have done you wrong, just the complaints you talked about that could have been fabricated for all we know. Have a fantastic long weekend!!

1 year ago
Reply to  ghadmin

If you’re referring to your web bestie Kelly’s [ ] site about the member expulsion, (a superb read I must add….delusional to say the least) then again, there has been no accounting anywhere I can find on the site of the actual complaints, just spewed nonsense of illegal acts etc. if that was the only thing anyone read of course it would be unfair….not given both sides of the tale in that one do I can’t pass any judgment. Alas we have come full circle to the gaslighting portion of the comments section and I can no longer participate. I will leave this party with a quote from the late Mark Twain.

“Never argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”

Hope you have a wonderful summer and good luck with your campaign or whatever this is.

Wondering why
Wondering why
1 year ago
Reply to  ghadmin

How are you gonna edit Anonymous’ comment to include a hyperlink to site they were referencing and expect your readers to believe everything written on this site as well as you not collaborating with the author of that site. What else have you altered to sway readers to your narrative. Makes one think….

1 year ago

Hey there “victim”!! How goes the gaslighting campaign….good I hope! Listen…I don’t know the board, nor will I….simply because I don’t care about the ramblings of narcissists…..there’s a good chance you’ll edit this comment for your benefit and that’s why I’ll screen shot it for my YouTube channel!! How’s that whole campaign going to make you and the other aggressors look like victims….all quiet on the home front?? It’s almost like this website was written by an Australopithecus…..Ask Kelly about my YouTube channel!! #tinfoilhatlosers

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Heh heh heh… this is probably Robyn Foret again… still obsessing about Mr Kelly.

Neither I, nor the Nelsons, started any aggressions against anyone, but rather have defended ourselves as best we can.

Robyn, for example, launched himself into a months long series of attacks against Roger and Grace Nelson, and there is clearly a campaign of anonymous bullying against me going on within the Society.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

BTW, your ‘youtube channel’ is not as available as you might have hoped.